Eligibility Requirements
- Be headquartered or have significant presence in DeKalb County, Illinois
- Have been operating for at least one year or capable of providing significant startup details
- Qualify as a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization
- Are registered in the DeKalb County Non-Profit Directory
- One grant allocated per year
- No requests accepted for annual operating expenses, individuals, or organizations who attempt to influence specific legislation and political activities and/or candidates
Click here to apply. Please be sure to hit the “submit” button to send your application. If you do not receive acknowledgement of receipt of your application, please contact Sue Breese at [email protected]
If internet access is not available please mail to:
The Douglas C. and Lynn M. Roberts Family Foundation
308 West State Street
Suite 301
P.O. Box 218
Sycamore, IL 60178
Application and Letter of Inquiry Deadlines
October 15 – For Fall Grant Decisions
April 15 – For Spring Grant Decisions
The Foundation’s Response
The Foundation will send you an email that your application information and letter of inquiry has been received. If the Foundation wishes to learn more about your organization and funding request, it will contact you. If the Foundation concludes that funding for your organization is unavailable, it will notify you promptly.